Macarthur Anglican School

David Stewart
David Stewart
Finance & Property Manager,
Macarthur Anglican School


About Macarthur Anglican School

Established in 1984, Macarthur Anglican School is an independent K-12 coeducational school located in Cobbitty New South Wales on an extensive 85-acre site. Building upon the valuable traditions in place since its foundation, the School is innovative, forward thinking and passionate about teaching and learning.     


Challenges faced

Like many schools, the primary challenge Mcarthur Anglican School faced was cash flow. With school fees mostly being paid on a term-by-term basis, it was difficult to cash flow budget across the year. It was also particularly challenging during extended holiday periods at Christmas when payments were not scheduled. In addition, keeping on top of payments across a large school was also a considerable administrative responsibility for School staff.


Being associated with PaySmart has been a positive experience both for the School and our parents. Our cash flow and collections have improved year-on-year and our parents have enjoyed the ease and professionalism of the service provided by PaySmart.


Client Perspective: PaySmart Solution

For Macarthur Anglican School, PaySmart’s monthly collection option was a tremendous help in providing consistency of cash flow for the School. Our local PaySmart Business Development Manager (BDM) talked us through the implementation process and provided all of the technical support we needed as we got up and running. Our BDM continues to meet with us regularly and as we grow, looks at ways that we can do things differently to keep improving efficiencies.

The Results

Since we began working with PaySmart in 2008, the vast majority of our School parents have signed on to the PaySmart system, which is good news for both the School and our parents. Having regular monthly payments coming in has been an integral part of balancing the cash flow requirements for the School throughout the year. It also eases the financial burden of lump-sum School fee payments for our parents by allowing them to stagger their payments throughout the year. Our parent community has been very satisfied with the PaySmart option and with the customer service they provide.